Astrology - Solar Returns
A Solar Return Chart is another name for one’s yearly Birthday Chart. This is a chart that is created when your natal Sun returns to the exact degree and minute that it was at the time of your birth. It provides a wealth of information and is a great tool that can help us assess and predict the themes that will arise for you during your “Solar Return Year.” It shows both potential as well as possible challenges. It gives us an idea what the focus will be from your birthday until your next birthday. Join us in this Solar Return Class to learn what Solar Return chart is, how it is calculated, how to interpret the themes during the Solar Return Year, the significance of the Moon in a Solar Return Chart, and a whole lot more! The classes will be recorded and a link sent after each class so you can watch it again as needed. Prerequisite: Astrology 1, 2 and 3 Classes, Beginning Aspects Class.